Before you begin, some advice…

The finished game will appeal to players of all ages, but making the game does require some fairly complicated cutting, scoring and gluing. (So a young person should get someone old to help them, tell them it‘s educational…).
I’ll be honest, making the game will take some time, but probably not as long as you might think.
Simply download and print out the pages onto 33 sheets of A4 white card - 240gsm is ideal. Print the rules pages (fileFOUR) onto paper.
Follow the supplied guides (fileTHREE) to assemble all the components.
I’d recommend a craft knife and ruler rather than scissors, quicker and neater.
Score folds before bending, a bradawl used at a very shallow angle is perfect every time.
Note also that you can score a ‘block’ of pieces (Fire Markers, Helicopter Units, Survivor Markers) in one stroke before cutting apart.
‘Pritt Stick’ is ideal for securing the tabs.
The seven files below contain all the components and rules needed to print and play ‘Smash Monster Rampage!’
All seven files are in .PDF format.
To view and print these files you may need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
When complete 'Smash Monster Rampage!' has the following components;
ONE Playing Board
THIRTY High Rise Buildings
ONE Smash Monster playing pawn
ONE Monster Die (or Spinner, depending on your preference)
SIX Helicopter Units - 3 Green, 3 Orange
SIX Tank Units - 3 Green, 3 Orange
THIRTY TWO Monster Hit cards (printed on both sides)
SIXTEEN Survivor Markers - 8 Green, 8 Orange
FIFTEEN Fire Markers
ONE Illustrated 'Smash Monster Rampage!' Rules (Revised July 2012)
TWO Unit Tracker Sheets
You'll also need to find TWO regular six-sided dice
CONTENT; Playing Board (25MB file)
The eight sections join together to form the Game board. You’ll need to stick these down onto thick card or hardboard to make a firm playing surface. I used ‘artist canvas board’ which worked well.